Saturday, August 1, 2015

Blue Moon and out of the blue!

Last night there was an incredible, full Blue Moon. The whole night had an amazing blue hue to it. And now, it's a beautiful Saturday morning... the kind that invigorates and causes energy to rise within you to do something out of the ordinary. Or maybe it is even something ordinary, but the task becomes lighter and more enjoyable because the morning is just sparkling. I love these kind of days...

I haven't written a new post to my blog in a couple of weeks. My life has been "overflowingly" busy these past several days, but in a wonderful way. I have been doing lots to get ready for surgery on Wednesday. It has been so amazing to me the people and things that God has put in front of me to help get ready for what is to come - out of the blue.

At the beginning of July, I was looking around to find places to meditate so that I could keep practicing all that I had learned in my 8 week Mindfulness course. Out of the blue, I had a very strong feeling that said to me - I can do this! So very quickly I secured a location and created an event: Meditation with Kim. At first, I thought to myself that maybe I could convince one or two of my friends to join me. To my delight at the first session, there were twelve willingly minds. By the second week, I was feeling much more confident and the group continued to grow by word of mouth. Amazingly, for the last session this past Thursday, there were 32 people. All of us together meditating for the happiness and peace for others and for ourselves. I was more than humbled that in some small way, I was able to bring some quiet reflection time into the lives of people in my community. I have such a motivation to heal quickly, so that I may return in the fall to this wonderful group of people and our practice. I am also so blessed to have found this practice to carry me through surgery and all of the stresses that come along with it before and after.

In addition to meditation, I have completely revamped my diet in the past several weeks to get as nutritionally fit as possible for strength and healing. I underwent a 10 day sugar detox, eliminating all sugar from my diet. It is unbelievable in how many unsuspecting places you find sugar! The first two days, I was irritable and head achy, but with lots of water and lemon added, I began to feel so good. My daily diet now is almost completely refined sugar free; I still use fruits in my diet, but in limited amounts.

After I completed the sugar detox, out of the blue, the benefits of green smoothies was presented to me. THIS has changed my life. Every day, in my good ole blender, I make a green smoothie, out of kale, spinach and other greens. Fruit is also added. I have done this as a meal replacement and cannot begin to tell you all of the differences I feel. (Please get in touch with me through Facebook - Kim Green Community Page, if you want to hear more!). My hair, nails and skin have changed dramatically, which means healthy new cell growth, which means for me Healing! Not to mention, all of the other antioxidant benefits.

I have also found the wonderful healing and relaxation benefits of essential oils applied directly to the skin and into the air through a diffuser. This has helped me tremendously with tension, sleep and pain.

My suitcase for my hospital stay at Yale looks quite different than in the past. I am bringing my diffuser and oils, my blender (I am keeping my fruits and veggies in the frig on the hospital floor), my own lamp instead of those awful overhead lights, my tapes, CD's and headphones. My living room will be transformed into my bedroom while I am away, with a hospital bed being delivered. My goal is to leave the hospital as quickly as possible (about a week or so) to begin my healing at home with my family, friends, Brutus and Bella.

I will be posting a lot on Facebook - Kim Green Community Page, as a way to journal for the book I am working on.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers.

I will see you all on the flipside of this surgery.


MarchForth said...

You. Your Journey. Held closely from Montana, in my mind, heart and prayers.

Gwyn said...

Kim you are in our prayers. Glad you are getting out of the hospital asap. Very wise. We pray that the peace of God that passes understanding will fill your heart, mind & every single cell in your body & that all who care for you will do so with kindness, gentleness & wisdom. We will hold you in our hearts. Love to you, Ken, Tessa & Torrey. Tony & Gwyn