Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mothers Day 2015

  **My dear friend Tom Festa has set up a Facebook  Community page to follow my blog! You can reach my page at: and follow and comment on my posts. I look forward to hearing from you!

  Such a wonderful day began with me waking up without an alarm and after 6:00 a.m, yesss. It was so sunny and the birds were chirping happily and everyone was still asleep, even Brutus and Bella. Peace, calm, nice. Sweet cards and longer than normal hugs, perfect.

  My plan was to spend the day in the garden and put the screens in the porch and officially open it for the summer. During the winter, my three season porch becomes a large walk-in refrigerator/storage area. During the spring and summer, it is where we spend the most time. As I was putzing around, I reflected back on memories I had of my mother, Carol, and the Mothers Day mornings I spent with her. They were precious few, as she passed away from cancer when I was 12, she was just 37.
She was a beautiful woman, who adored her girls, pets, cooking and gardening. I shared with Tessa while we were outside, that some of my fondest and strongest memories of my mom are of her in our yard, moving and splitting plants the way someone might rearrange furniture. She loved to share her plants with her mom and sister in law, and knew the names of every plant she came across. I was enchanted by her...

 So here I am, not a child, but a mother, spending the day in my garden with my daughter. I wonder if my mother felt as happy with me as I did today with my sweet Tessa.

Happy Mothers Day!


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